FRUM test page

Use your browser console to test FRUM's simple features.

You already have a log shortcut for console.log

Remember there is the trailing decimals (5.000000000002) problem.
This should be fixed soon

Examples reminder :

const frum = require('frum'); //from node

// create frum Number
var n = frum(3)

// create ranges
var range =

// iterating, console.log )

// creating arrays //simple, function (i) {
  return 'I said ' + i + ' ! ' // mapping

// overlappings
range.contains(8) // false
// ! NOT implemented yet:
range.intersects( frum(1).to(4) ) // true

// and lazy loops
var log = console.log
frum(5).count(log) // O, 1, 2, 3, 4
frum(5).count(log, 0) // 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0
frum(5).count(log, 6, 0.2) // 5, 5.2, 5.4, 5.6, 5.8, 6
  // !!! with trailing due to floating point !!!